The sales engineering club serves to educate students about the sales engineering career path while also providing networking opportunities within the industry in order to gain real-world experience and knowledge. What this means for your company is an opportunity to connect with intelligent and motivated engineering students who will be looking to gain employment within the next six months to four years. Our goal is to host your company at a spotlight event where a representative could speak to our members about the sales engineering role as it applies to your company, and what kind of students they are looking for to fill these roles. Participating in this event would provide you with unique access to some of the best engineering students that SDSU has to offer who not only excel in the classroom but who also hold impressive interpersonal skills. Company spotlights are important to us because they provide our members valuable insight into this challenging and rewarding career path by professionals in the field with real experience.

If you or your company is interested in sponsoring our club, please email our president (sdsepresident@gmail.com) or our club email (sdsu.sdse@gmail.com) for inquiries regarding becoming a business sponsor!

Tier I:

  • Priority spotlight event selection dates
  • Two guaranteed spotlight event dates
  • Priority after resume workshop events
  • Invite to SDSE career fair

Tier II:

  • One guaranteed spotlight event date
  • Invite to SDSE career fair